Access to Monforte Museums video


MUSEO DE ARTE SACRO DE LAS MADRES CLARISAS – MUSEUM OF SACRED ART  Without doubt this is the most important museum of the city due to the great value of the art collection which it houses and which is considered one of the most important collections in Spain. The convent was founded in the 17th Century by the VII Counts of Lemos, who donated their unique collection of Spanish and Italian art works. Nowadays, the convent houses the nuns of the order of the Franciscanas Descalzas.

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The collection of Italian art of the VII Counts of Lemos

Free visits, Reservation in advance. Contact: 606 548 044. Fee: € 5.






ESCOLAPIOS ART GALLERY  Although the art gallery is not big, it is important due to the value of the paintings within it. These include two paintings by El Greco: The Apparition of the Virgin and Child to San Lorenzo and Fray León meditating on death. There are also five Tablas  by  Andrea del Sarto, two oil paintings from the school of Compostela and a portrait of Francisco Pacheco.

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Tuesday to Friday: 17:15h. Saturday 11:00h, 12:45h, 17:15h. Sunday: 12:45h. Reservation in advance. Contact: 982 404 715 Fee: € 4.50



PAZO DE TOR To find out about life in the pazos, a visit to Tor is a must. It is one of the few left in Galicia that has conserved all of its furniture and belongings. Although its origins date back to the 14th Century, the building is from the 18th Century in a Baroque style but blended with Neoclassical elements. The building includes barns, cellars, an oven, stables, coach house and the servants living quarters.

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Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00h, 12:30h, 16:30h, 18:00h. Reservation in advance. Contact: 982 165 534 / Fee: Free.




PAZO MOLINOS DE ANTERO–THE MILL MANSION OF ANTERO  Its main function was to be the centre of tax collection from tobacco and other Court taxes. Because of this, the house maintains an ingenious security system. The building is original and is different from other Galician pazos (mansions) due to its unique French style architecture and Italian style pictorial decorations in its rooms. On the walls of the house and in the chapel inside, can be seen paintings by the Monforte artist Castinande.

Closed until further notice.


CENTRO DEL VINO DE RIBEIRA SACRA–WINE CENTRE OF THE RIBEIRA SACRA  This building was built in 1583 as a hospital, after various reformations and uses, including being the Town Hall, it became a major tourist attraction in Monforte when it opened in 2009 as the headquarters of the  Centro del Vino de la Ribeira Sacra. Inside is a marvellous exhibition where visitors can discover the secrets of the wine and of the Ribeira Sacra, a tasting room, a tapas bar and a wonderful shop where you can find all the wines that are made within the  D.O. (denomination of origin).


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Visiting hours: Every day at 12.30 pm and 6.00 pm



MUSEO DEL FERROCARRIL DE GALICIA –THE RAILWAY  MUSEUM OF GALICIA  The history of Monforte has always been linked to the train. When King Alfonso XII inaugurated the railway line from Madrid to A Coruña in 1883, the city became an important railway hub. However, from the middle of the 20th Century, Monforte began to lose this importance. The railway museum of Galicia allows you to take a journey back into the past through the locomotives and train coaches of this era.

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Closed until further notice.



CASAS DE MUÑECAS MUSEUM Museum of crafts in miniatures created by Francisco And Josela where also courses and workshops are given for the work to scale 1:12. More information



LODEIRO MUSEUM Museum dedicated to the enormous work of the sculptor Darío Lodeiro. Sculpture in wood.

Rúa Armando Cotarelo, 7.  Tlfno: +34 982 40 22 52. +34 699 40 86 22

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