Monforte de Lemos Tourist resources opening hours and contacts

08/07/2020 The Monforte de Lemos Municipal Tourist Office located on 6, Comercio Street provides information to visitors from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. In person or by contacting at 982 40 47 15 or by email

Monforte de Lemos Tourist resources opening hours and contacts:

Ribeira Sacra Wine Center + wine shop. 

Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday: 11:30, 12:30, 17:30, 19:00.

  Contact: 982 105 303. Price: 2,50 €. 

College of Nuestra Señora de la Antigua​.

Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday 11:00, 12:45, 16:30, 18:00. Sunday: 12:45. Advance reservation. 

  Contact: 982 404 715. Price: 4,50€

Museum of Sacred Art​.

Schedule: Free visits, advance reservation. Contact: 606 548 044. Price: 5€.

Doll Houses Museum​. 

Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00-18.00. Sunday: 11:00-14:00. Advance reservation. 

  Contact: 654 014 397 / 671 951 274. Price: 5€. 

Galicia Railway Museum.​

Closed until further notice.

Lodeiro Museum. 

Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00-14:00h. 

  Contact: 982 40 22 52/ 699 408 622. Price: 5 €.

Pazo Molinos de Antero.

Schedule: Advance reservation. Contact 606110539. Price: 3€. 

Pazo de Tor. 

Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00, 12:30, 16:30, 18:00. Advance reservation. 

  Contact: 982 165 534/ Price: Free.

Torre da Homenaxe

Homage Tower. 

(Closed from 08/14 to 08/17,due to fireworks).

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday. 11:00-14:00 and 16:30-20:30.

Contact: 982 404 715. Fee: € 1.50.

The Municipal Tourist Office is not responsible for changes that may be made in prices and schedules. It is recommended that you contact the different points of interest directly to confirm the capacity established by each one. This same website offers more information on the resources and in the Tourist Office section, documents with information for download.