5 certifications from the Q Mark for Tourist Quality consolidate Monforte as a responsible, accessible and excellent tourist destination

01/08/2025 The City Council of Monforte de Lemos obtains the certification of the Q Mark for Tourism Quality, awarded by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), in 5 tourist spaces: the Municipal Tourism Office, Ribeira Sacra Wine Interpretation Center, the Municipal Pilgrim Assistance...

Enjoying Christmas in Monforte de Lemos: Official Program 2024-25

12/16/2024 Monforte de Lemos dresses up for Christmas to say goodbye to 2024 and welcome 2025 with enthusiasm. The monuments and main spaces of the city enjoy ambience to bring the Christmas spirit to the entire city, with almost 70 illuminated streets and more than 1.2 million LED lights. In...

Healthy routes in Monforte de Lemos

31/10/2024 The development of the healthy routes corresponds to IES Daviña Rey in collaboration with the City Council of Monforte de Lemos and is part of a project of this teaching center with which they want to get citizens to move more sustainably and safely. The project is part of the Project of...

We're going on the road: Monforte, wine and Viewpoints

09/09/2014 We're going on the road. The chosen option is Monforte de Lemos, the wine and its landscape of terraced vineyards. After breakfasting in Monforte and visiting the Conjunto Monumental de San Vicente del Pino, the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, the museo de las Clarisas and/or...

VI Ribeira Sacra of Monforte Wine Festival, from July 5th to 7th

06/19/24 The Festival will take place as usual, around the boardwalk. As a novelty this year, a porch will be installed at the entrance to the Festival, which will also serve as a photocall and there will be an important shading area. Throughout the Festival there will be different information...

The Camino de Invierno in Monforte de Lemos

05/06/24 The Camino de Invierno is a pilgrim route to Santiago which coincides with the natural entrance into Galicia from the plateau. It is believed that many pilgrims used this route especially in winter in order to avoid the difficulties of crossing the snowy summits of O Cebreiro. This Camino...

Quere o teu mercado and Marida Maio in Monforte

05/22/24 The City Council of Monforte joins for another year the international campaign Quere o teu mercado (Love your market), which will be held on Saturday, May 25th and Friday, May 31st. The initiative encourages purchases in small local businesses, in this case, in the Plaza de Abastos of...

Visiting the museums of Monforte

24/04/2024 Monforte de Lemos is a city that is increasingly visited, as it is the central point from which to move towards the rest of the Ribeira Sacra and to have first order monumental resources; as well as natural spaces and services for the enjoyment of neighbors and visitors. In the section...

Constant increase in the number of visitors to the tourist facilities of Monforte

26/02/2024 The tourist offices of the Monforte City Council; Tourism Office, Pilgrim Assistance Office and Homage Tower of San Vicente, reach in 2023 the best data in recent years in terms of people served, in addition to the figures of 2021 with the coronavirus tourism boom. The data relating to...

Ribeira Sacra Wine Center

01/ 02/ 2024 Situated in northern Spain, the autonomous community of Galicia, with its Atlantic coastline, is a green and lush land of mountains, forests and rivers. This landscape, along with the climate, the Gallego language and the strong local culture all help make Galicia distinctly different...